Doubting thomas meaning in malayalam

Word: Doubting thomas

Meanings of Doubting thomas in malayalam :

Idiom Thelivu Kaanaathe Vishvasikkaan‍ Visammathikkunnayaal‍ (തെളിവ് കാണാതെ വിശ്വസിക്കാന്‍ വിസമ്മതിക്കുന്നയാള്‍)
Samshayaalu (സംശയാലു) Noun Shankaalu (ശങ്കാലു)
Doubting thomas definition
(New Testament,religion,Christianity) the Apostle who would not believe the resurrection of Jesus until he saw Jesus with his own eyes
someone who demands physical evidence in order to be convinced (especially when this demand is out of place)
Related wordsDoubting thomas - Shankaalu (ശങ്കാലു)
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